In our class we are learning about elements of dance. The dance element are body awareness, space and time. The ideas I like dancing to are growing also moonwalk and many others.
We are making a class dance based on E-waste.
What things are E-waste? well E-waste are devices that have become so out of fashion or that has been broken that we need a new one. What bad things are in them? All types of things for example batteries, circuit boards and lead. Back in the days were there phones like we have in our days now? The answer is no they didn’t it was so simple but when they came boom no one could get it out of there head and it was like I must have this new well every thing now in our days so just think do you want to change things up a bit?. Ask yourself that question.
Hi there, my name is Sifa and I am a student in room hauraki at Waikowhai Primary School. I really like how you guys did the moonwalk and I like your guys dance useing strong body moves If you would like to see my learning, my blog is here